Affiliation No. 2131200
1. All students from Std. I upwards are members of the library.
2. A fine of Rs.10 per day shall be charged for not returning the book on time.
3. If a book is lost, the student will have to pay double the cost of the book.
4. In case the book is disfigured or any page is removed or turned, the student will have to pay the fine as above.
5. Until such a fine is collected from the defaulter, no book shall be issued to the student.
6. Encyclopaedias, magazines, reference books are not issued to the students.
7. Students have to maintain complete silence while reading in the library.
8. A student may ordinarily have a book for a week, and the issuing may be renewed further for the same period. No book that is in great demand shall be lent for more than two days.
9. A student can borrow only one book at a time and for one week only.
10. Books will be issued to students during the library period mentioned in the time-table. No book will be issued or returned during the teaching hours.
11. The librarian may call for a book anytime even if the normal period of loan has not expired.
12. If the date of issue or return of books happens to be a holiday, both the issue or return of books shall be stand postponed to the corresponding, day of the following week.
13. Absence is no excuse for the delay in return of the book after the expiry of period of loan.
14. Members shall not, on any account, pass books to not-members.
15. Members shall carefully examine the books as soon as it is issued to him/her.
Any mark (soil, damage etc) shall be report forthwith to the librarian.
16. Issue of book shall be stopped by 16ht of feb. and return of books shall be completed by 20th February every year. This helps in annual stock taking and checking.
17. A student will not be allowed to carry his/her personal books or bags in the library. Only note-books will be allowed with the permission of the librarian.
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